"Diana Cameras "
DIANA TYPES: Camera manufacturing and "badge engineering" have gotten a bit carried away at times. One camera
which is in strong competition for the title of "Same Camera with the Most Names" is the Diana type, an inexpensive eye-level
camera for 120 film. Most take only a 4x4cm image although some of the "Deluxe" models use more of the available film with a
5.5x5.5cm image. Generally with focusing lens; single-speed shutter and sometimes B. Some have body release. Some are
synchronized and they even exist with built-in flash. These cameras have continued to be popular among some photographers who
enjoy the distorted effects of the cheap lenses. Others use them for training classes in photography.
DIANA Name Variations - Acme, Anny, Arrow, Arrow Flash, Asiana, Avis, Banier, Banner, Banner Deluxe, Barri-Shelli,
Bergere de France, Binaflex, Candy, Colorflash Deluxe, Colormatic, Conforama, Dana, Debonair, Debonair 127, Debutante, Delta F,
Denhill, Diana, Diana 120, Diana Deluxe, Diana F, Dionne F2, Dories, Ellis, Elflex Deluxe, Flocon RF, Globe, Gray Line, Harrow,
Harrow Deluxe, Hi-Flash, Hi-Flash F, Holga, Justen, Leader, Una, Lina F, Una S, Mark L, Marwin, MegoMatic, Megomatic F, Merit,
Mirage, North American, Olivia, Panax, Photon 120, Pioneer, Pokey, Porst Happy, Raleigh, Rand, Readers Digest, Reliance,
Revue (distr. by Foto-Quelle 1965-66), Rosko, Rover, Samtoy, See, Shakeys, Sinomax, Snappy, Stellar, Stellar Flash, Tammy, Tina,
Traceflex, Tru-View, Valiant, Windsor, Windsor F, Zip, Zodiac.There is also a "no-name" generic model in black or camouflage, and
a squirt camera shaped like a Diana camera.
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if you really want to buy it, make me an offer.
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