"Dacora Cameras"
DACORA-KAMERAWERK (Reutlingen, Munich and Nuremberg, Germany)
Dacora-Kamerawerk was founded in 1946 by Bernhard Dangelmaier as Dangelmaier & Co. in Reutlingen. The company name went through several changes including: Daco Dangelmaier & Co. (1954), Dacora-Kamerawerk, Dangelmaier & Co. (1954). Two million Dacora cameras had been made by 1960. In 1969 Dacora was taken over by Leach Relais und Elektronik GmbH, a subsidiary of an American company, and the name was changed to Dacora Kamerawerk GmbH. After getting into financial difficulties, the company moved to Munich c1972. In July 1972 Dacora was bought by Josef Weber KG, Nuremberg. Dacora Kamerawerk Niirnberg GmbH began assembling cameras in a new factory in Grafenwohr near Nuremberg from half-finished parts they had aquired with the purchase of the former Dacora company. The development of the Weber SL-75, a high-quality 35mm SLR with Zeiss lenses in an improved Contarex-bayonet and based on the Zeiss Ikon SL 725 prototype came to nothing because the company simply lacked the resources. Weber stopped camera production, dropped the Dacora name and went back to making slide projectors. Dacora manufactured not only cameras with their own name, but also as Panorama, Porst, Ringfoto and Universa (all Germany), Ferrania (Italy), Ilford (Great Britain), Lumiere (France), and others.

Stock No 380
Dacora Dignette
Made in Germany. c1955-58. Basic 35mm viewfinder camera. Dacora Kamerawerk Rautlingen f:3.54/45mm lens. Vario shutter, black covering.
~ Fair condition with covering lifting on edges, it has had a lot of work and shows it.
   Asking Price $35.00
Stock No 1442
Dacora Dignette
Made in Germany. c1955-58. Basic 35mm viewfinder camera. Dacora Kamerawerk Rautlingen f:3.54/45mm lens. Vario shutter, black covering.
~ Fair condition with covering lifting on edges, it has had a lot of work and shows it.
   Asking Price $30.00
Stock No 1443
Dacora Dignette
Made in Germany. c1955-58. Basic 35mm viewfinder camera. Steinheil MunchenCassar f:2.8 /45mm lens. Pronto shutter, black covering.
~ Fair condition with covering lifting on edges, it has had a lot of work and shows it, shutter feels worn.
   Asking Price $25.00

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