"Bilora Cameras"
Bilora (Kurbi & Niggelah, Radevormwald, Germany)
Founded 1909 as metalware factory, the first box camera was manufactured about 1935. Shortly after WWII production of box cameras resumed, in the 1950s and 1960s large quantities of simple box and viewfinder cameras were produced, many without the Bilora name for other distributors. Toward the end of the 1960s camera production ended. At present Kurbi and Niggeloh still exist as separate companies, manufacturing or distributing photographic accessories.

Stock No 079
Bilora Bella 44
Looks like a 35 but takes 4 X 4 on 127. Achromat f8 lens. Sync shutter B, 50, 100. Usually seen in blue, this one is grey and in a gray plastic case.
~ Good clean condition.
   Asking Price $30.00
Stock No 3144
The Bilora BOY, 1st model, made in 1949 in Germany. New model came in 1950 so we can date it pretty accurately. An odd shaped black bakelite camera, rarely found without chips or cracks in the brittle bakelite body, this one HAS NO chips or cracks inside or out; and the bakelite is still bright and shiny on the outside, contrasting beautifully with the creamy white plastic lens trim, winding knob and large round back latch. T&I simple shutter and simple meniscus lens, it was not a great picture taker, but what it lacks optically and mechanically it more than makes up for with style!

Only about 4" high, its vertical format is streamlined and curvy, and there is not a sharp edge anywhere. Aesthetically very pleasing to the eye, even the shutter release stands at an angle, and falls nicely under the index finger in the eye level taking position.

~ Good condition.

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